What does Helpful Housekeeping consider a standard deep clean?
As part of our residential cleans in Dothan, AL, we normally clean the following in each room of your home: ceiling fans, light fixtures, curtain rods, wall decorations, shelves, door frames, doors, blinds, window frame, window rail, window sill, dust furniture, dust items on the furniture, move light items on the floor to sweep and mop, sweep and mop baseboards, light switches, outlets, sweep, mop, vacuum, and then stage each room by straightening pillows, blankets, stuffed animals, or papers. How we clean these items is explained in the video on the previous page, entitled "Deep House Cleaning."
What are the add-ons you can purchase?
In addition to the standard residential cleaning items listed above. We offer some additional services in Dothan, AL, that can be added on to your home cleaning. They are illustrated in the picture above and in the video on the previous page, entitled "Deep House Cleaning." These are the house cleaning add-ons Helpful Housekeeping offers in Dothan, AL : cleaning inside the oven, refrigerator, behind the refrigerator, inside window glass, outside window glass, front door, patio, sweep front porch, sweep back porch, carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, and inside fireplaces.
What if you don't need everything on the deep clean list?
If you need to reduce the price or don't need everything on the deep clean list, home owners or realters can customize your deep cleaning list to remove doors, trim, windows, blinds, etc.
This deep clean or one-time spring cleaning is available in Dothan, AL; Taylor, AL; Rehobaeth , AL; Newton, AL; Midland City, AL; Headland, AL; Enterprise, AL; Daleville, AL; and other small towns within a 5 miles radius of Dothan Alabama.